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Tiffen 4x4" Gold Diffusion/fx 3 Filter

Tiffen 4x4" Gold Diffusion/fx 3 Filter
  • Product Code: eq2553
  • Availability: In Stock

$1,050.00 $1,417.50

The Tiffen 4x4" Gold Diffusion/FX 3 Filterdiffuses strong light entering the lens and produces a glowing effect. While the resulting image appears softer and ethereal, there is little loss of clarity or detail. This filter works by diffusing the light entering the lens with small aberrations; by spreading the light more evenly, a soft glow is created rather than the sharp, well-defined image when shooting without a filter. In addition to the diffusion provided, a gold tint is also added to the image giving more warmth and helping to balance skin tones. The 3 density provides more softening than the 2, but less than the 4.

Tiffen filters are made using ColorCore technology, a process that involves laminating the filter substrate between 2 pieces of optical glass and grinding flat to a tolerance of 1/10,000th of an inch. This filter measures 4 x 4" / 101.6 x 101.6mm.

Diffusion Filter Creates Glow Effect    Softens Skin and Blemishes    Gold Tint for Additional Warmth    Slight Reduction in Contrast    ColorCore Technology

Size4 x 4" / 101.6 x 101.6 mm 
Front Accessory Thread / BayonetNo
Filter MaterialGlass
Packaging Info
Package Weight0.4 lb

Diffuser filter provides an ethereal quality to photographs, resulting in a dream-like atmosphere.

Soft image quality does not detract from the overall detail of the image.

Light entering the lens is diffused by small aberrations, creating a soft glow rather than the sharp, well-defined image when shooting without a filter.

Gold tint provides additional warmth and helps to balance skin tones.

Related Questions and Answers

Q: 1. Will this fit the RF 28-70 f2?

A: Yes. The Canon RF 28-70mm uses 95mm filters so the PolarPro QuartzLine FX Mist Filter (95mm, 1/4 Diffusion) will fit.

Q: 2. What's the differences between Black Glimmerglass and Black Promist?

A: The glimmer glass filter is designed to take the crisp edges off the images that modern lenses and digital cameras produce. The filter subtly softens the image and lowers detail resolution for those who want to simulate the look of film footage while shooting on digital gear. This black Glimmerglass model reduces contrast and overall sharpness and can smooth out unwanted blemishes, wrinkles, or other fine details in a subject's face while keeping the general image in focus. The black pro mist filter helps to reduce the value of the highlights while slightly lowering the overall contrast. This filter is especially useful for smoothing out and softening facial wrinkles and other blemishes. While designed for use with movies, this filter can also be used for fashion and beauty applications. Unlike a traditional diffusion or soft focus filter, Pro-Mist filters provide little loss of detail across the image. The 1/8 density provides less contrast and highlight reduction than the 1/4, while still allowing for a soft, pastel-like quality of light.

Q: 3. How flimsy are these? Will they slide in the front of 1X1 litepanels and stand up to constant use?

A: I dont think it will stand on its own. I use a C47 to clip it to the light panel.

Q: 4. As there are no filter numbers listed on the filters... It is very difficult to identify them. Are the packaged in a specific order?

A: That brand is not marked or in a specific order.Rosco gels are marked.Rosco Diffusion Filter Kit (12 x 12 ) B&H # RODFK1212 MFR # 110120120001.And this might be helpful to have as well, Rosco Cinegel Swatchbook, B&H # ROSBCR MFR # 950SBCNG0103

Q: 5. Can this be stacked with a VND filter?

A: The PolarPro QuartzLine FX Mist Filter (77mm, 1/4 Diffusion) has back threads but not front threads So to use it stacked it needs to be the front filter. So your variable nd needs to have 77mm front threads.

Q: 6. Can these be cut with a standard paper cutter?

A: It may be difficult with some of the more flexible/flimsy sheets, you are much better of with scissors or xacto knife.

Q: 7. hello,is it a diffusion filter for the older Dracast 2000LED panel (the 2013 version, not the blue one) ? thank you !

A: No, that filter is for the new LED2000 Panel. And the manufacture says they do not have one for the old version.

Q: 8. Would this work well for a conventional ParCan 64 light without melting or burning?

A: Never, ever let Rosco (or similar) material touch a halogen lamp—the material will melt, stick to the lamp, possibly stick to the fixture, and cause the lamp to fail. On the other hand, a tota-frame will hold tough spun 10 inches from a 1 KW Lowell fixture with no problem—or clipped to barn-doors. I suggest you try the different products out in pre-production.

Q: 9. Which strength do you recommend in between 1/4 and 1/2 for subtle effect to use on 50mm and 85mm lenses in everyday photography?

A: For a subtle look, I would recommend a 1/8 or a 1/4.

Q: 10. Can these be used in a 500W fresnel? What is their burn rating?

A: Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not list the heat rating of these filters. However, if using them with the proper filter frame for a 500 watt fresnel, they would work fine.


[0.4 lb] Most photographers use at least one diffusion filter for portraits, whether a professional whose clients need to look great, or the rest of us who want to flatter Granny at her 90th birthday celebration party. I have kids with iffy complexions in their adolescence and didn’t want to rely too heavily on Photoshop for the fix.

For use on my Quattro DP2, this filter does a fine job of holding small details like eyelashes, yet blends blemishes well. (One caveat: a large blackhead or dark pimple may be accentuated, depending on circumstances, so a white diffusion filter or dab of concealer could be needed.) Since the eyes and lashes/eyebrows hold their detail portraits can be very flattering with this Tiffen product.

It looks odd by itself as it appears to be glass with a pattern of little black marks all over it, where I more or less expected some type of black screen or grid. Not being an optical engineer and as well as the filter works, I chalk it up to FM.

Also, I prefer to use Tiffen products in general as they have always be good quality, competitively priced, and made in the good ol’ U. S. of A.; what’s not to like?


[0.4 lb] The golden glow this filter adds is beautiful! Magnificent on sunny days and blonde or fair skinned subjects!


[0.4 lb] This Gold Diffusion FX 1/4 is a very nice filter to take the edge off digital. A golden glow is added with no or very little halation and I use it at outdoor parties and blond portraits.


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